Java integer class is a Wrapper class and comes Under the java.lang.Number package. This class has wraps a value of the primitive type int in an object. Only single fields can contain Integer object with type int.
Integer Compatibility Version: JDK 1.0

Instantiate Integer Wrapper Class
Here is the simple syntax of use Integer in Java. Using a new keyword with Integer class is no longer with Java 11 Version.
Integer integerValue = 100;
Java integer class example
Here is a code of integer wrapper class in java example. Creating and printing the value and type of.
class Hello { public static void main(String args[]) { Integer integerValue = 100; System.out.println(integerValue.getClass()); System.out.println(integerValue); } }
Output: class java.lang.Integer
Field of an Integer Object
Here are basic and important fields of Integer class Object.
Modifier | Type | Field | Description |
static | int | MAX_VALUE | A constant – the maximum value of int data type and can be equal to 2^31-1. |
static | int | MIN_VALUE | A constant – the minimum value of int data type and can be equal to -2^31. |
static | int | SIZE | The number of bits used to represent an int value in two’s complement binary form. |
static | Class<Integer> | TYPE | The Class object representing the primitive type int. |
Java Integer Methods
Here we are mentioning some important methods of use in Integer, for a complete list do follow below official Java document site.
compare(int x, int y): This method simply returns -1 and 0, the result of comparing the two int method argument. Where -1 not equivalent and 0 for equal.
class Hello { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(,59)); System.out.println(,10)); } }
Output: -1
compareTo(Integer another integer): A compare the Integer value to passed int value and return an int, if equal then 0 otherwise 1.
class Hello { public static void main(String args[]) { Integer a = 100; System.out.println(a.compareTo(100)); System.out.println(a.compareTo(3)); } }
Output: 0
reverse(int i): Returns the reverse value the order of the bits in the two\’s complement binary representation of the specified int value.
class Hello { public static void main(String args[]) { Integer a = 546; System.out.println(Integer.reverse(a)); } }
Output: 1145044992
For converting an Integer to Sring and other converting methods we will learn later tutorials.
Reference: (Official Site)
Note: This example (Project) is developed in IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.6 (Community Edition)
JRE: 11.0.1
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
macOS 10.14.1Java version 11
All Java Data Types Examples are in Java 11, so it may change its different from Java 9 or 10 or upgraded versions.