JavaScript number function is used to convert the data type to number. It can Convert different object values (Strings, boolean, etc) to their numbers.
Number(object|data type)
Parameter Values
Input variable, But its optional. If no argument is provided, it returns 0.
Return value
It returns the number (integer) format for any type of the JavaScript variable.
Example of JavaScript number function
Let’s see the example of How to convert the data type to number using a Number() function in JS.
<!DOCTYPE html>
var a = "124";
var d = new Date("2017-09-30")
var b = true

Value cannot be converted
If you pass the value non number then it will return the NaN.
<!DOCTYPE html>
var value = "EyeHunts"

Do comment if you have any suggestions and doubts on this function.
Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Safari browser (Version 12.0.2) and Chrome.
OS: macOS 10.14 Mojave
Code: HTML 5 Version