You can have multiline strings in pure JavaScript. In ES6 Update, you can create multi-line strings simply by using backticks.
The multi-line strings were not supported by JavaScript 2015.
ECMAScript 6 (ES6) introduces a new type of literal, namely template literals.
Template literals are strings delimited by backticks, instead of the normal single/double quote delimiter.
JavaScript multiple line string Example
It have a unique feature to allow multiline strings.
<!DOCTYPE html>
const multilineString = `A string
on multiple lines`
const anotherMultilineString = `Hey
this is cool
a multiline

Other ways to JavaScript multiline string
There are various ways to handle multi-line strings if older browser support is essential.
Using template literals with different Tags
The strings are delimited using backticks, unlike normal single/double quotes delimiter.
<!DOCTYPE html>
Create multi-line strings
<h1> EyeHunts </h1>
How to create multi-line
strings in JavaScript?
Button in
multiline text
<button> Button</button>

Multiline string without newlines
If you introduce a line continuation (\
) at the point of the new line in the literal, it won’t create a new line on output:
const text = `a very long string that just continues\
and continues and continues`;
How to JavaScript multiline string with variables
You can take advantage of Template Literals and use this syntax:
`String text ${expression}`
Template literals are enclosed by the back-tick (` `) (grave accent) instead of double or single quotes.
This feature has been introduced in ES2015 (ES6).
var a = 5;
var b = 10;
console.log(`Fifteen is ${a + b}.`)
Q: Can we do javascript multiline string with newlines (\n)?
Answer: Don’t use “\n”. Just enter a back-slash and keep on truckin’! Works like a charm. Example:-
var string = "this\
is a multi\
How to concatenate multiline string in javascript?
- \ – regular escape, if you need the quote in your string just type \’
- \n – newline
- \t – tab
Use this method to concatenate multiline string in js.
'Hello Javascript' +
'world' +
'!!!' +
How to JavaScript split multi-line string to array?
Answer: Use split() Method to multiline string to array.
str = "abc\ndef";
[“abc”, “def”]
Do comment if you have any questions, doubts and suggestions on this tutorial.
Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Safari browser (Version 12.0.2) and Chrome.
OS: macOS 10.14 Mojave
Code: HTML 5 Version