Use CSS color property to change the link color inline in HTML. You can use color code (hex color codes) or direct the name of the color as a value of color.
Examples of Change hyperlink color HTML
There are three ways of changing the herf Hyperlink color: inline, internal, and external CSS.
Inline style method
Add the style attribute directly to the anchor tag and specify the color property through the style attribute, then assign a color value.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<a href="" style="color: red"></a>

Internal CSS method
For Internal CSS code you have to use <head> section of your HTML document. In the <style> tag, we set the color of our link <a> tag.
It will change the all anchor tag color if you want only single or specific then set id or class.

Q: How to change anchor tag color in HTML?
Answer: Tp changes the color of an HTML link use the CSS color property on the anchor tag with whatever color Hex you want, in the example below used red color.
a { color: #FF0000; } /* CSS link color */
<a href="">A Red Link</a>
Do comment if you have any questions and suggestion on this topic.
Note: The All HTML Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.
OS: Windows 10
Code: HTML 5 Version