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Get value from JSON object in JavaScript dynamically | Code

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You Get value from JSON objects in JavaScript dynamically using array-like syntax. Just parse JSON (if not JSON object) value and use a loop to get each value and key present in a JSON object.

Get value from JSON object in JavaScript dynamically

Simple example code with different data.

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    var response = '{"1":10,"2":10}';
    var r = JSON.parse(response);

    for(key in r)
      var val =r[key];




Get value from JSON object in JavaScript dynamically

You can also use Object.keys to obtain the keys’ array, you can use to access the value by the Bracket [ ] operator. It will each key-value pair of your object,


    var response = '{"1":10,"2":10}';
    var obj = JSON.parse(response);

      var value = obj[key];
      console.log(key + ':' + value);


Use for each loop for

var jsonData = {
    data: [{
        "key1": 1,
        "key2": 2
    }, {
        "key1": 3,
        "key2": 4
for (var index in {
    for (var key in[index]) {

Do comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this JS JSON topic.

Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.

OS: Windows 10

Code: HTML 5 Version

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