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JavaScript abstract class | Basics

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JavaScript is a prototype-oriented, not an object-oriented programming language. So JavaScript doesn’t have an abstract class concept.

If you would like a class that cannot be constructed, but whose subclasses can, then you can use

By definition from another programming language: An abstract class is a class that is declared abstract —it may or may not include abstract methods. Abstract classes can’t be instantiated, but they can be subclassed.

JavaScript abstract class

Simple example code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   class Abstract {
    constructor() {
      if ( === Abstract) {
        throw new TypeError("Cannot construct Abstract instances directly");

  class Derived extends Abstract {
    constructor() {
    // more Derived-specific stuff here, maybe

const b = new Derived(); // is Derived, so no error
const a = new Abstract(); // is Abstract, so it throws




JavaScript abstract class

If you’re specifically looking to require certain methods to be implemented, you can check that in the superclass constructor as well:

class Abstract {
  constructor() {
    if (this.method === undefined) {
      // or maybe test typeof this.method === "function"
      throw new TypeError("Must override method");

class Derived1 extends Abstract {}

class Derived2 extends Abstract {
  method() {}

const a = new Abstract(); // this.method is undefined; error
const b = new Derived1(); // this.method is undefined; error
const c = new Derived2(); // this.method is Derived2.prototype.method; no error


Let’s see another example below where we implement a class in JavaScript along with abstraction properties.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    class Employee
      constructor() {
        if(this.constructor == Employee){
          throw new Error(" Object of Abstract Class cannot be created");
        throw new Error("Abstract Method has no implementation");
    class Manager extends Employee
      console.log("I am a Manager");
    //var emp = new Employee;
    var mang=new Manager();

Output: I am a Manager

Here’s a simple example of how you can create an abstract class in JavaScript:

function AbstractClass() {
  if (this.constructor === AbstractClass) {
    throw new Error("Cannot instantiate abstract class");

AbstractClass.prototype.abstractMethod = function () {
  throw new Error("Abstract method not implemented");

function ConcreteClass() {;
  // Additional initialization for ConcreteClass

// Inherit from AbstractClass
ConcreteClass.prototype = Object.create(AbstractClass.prototype);
ConcreteClass.prototype.constructor = ConcreteClass;

// Implement the abstract method
ConcreteClass.prototype.abstractMethod = function () {
  // Implementation for the abstract method in ConcreteClass
  console.log("Abstract method implemented in ConcreteClass");

// Usage
// Attempting to instantiate AbstractClass will throw an error
// var abstractInstance = new AbstractClass(); // Throws an error

// Instantiate ConcreteClass
var concreteInstance = new ConcreteClass();

// Call the abstract method on the concrete instance
concreteInstance.abstractMethod(); // Outputs: "Abstract method implemented in ConcreteClass"

In this example:

  1. The AbstractClass function serves as a constructor for the abstract class. It checks if an attempt is made to instantiate it directly and throws an error if so.
  2. The abstractMethod function is added to the prototype of AbstractClass. It throws an error, indicating that the method is abstract and needs to be implemented by subclasses.
  3. The ConcreteClass constructor calls the AbstractClass constructor and then continues with its own initialization.
  4. Prototype inheritance is set up so that ConcreteClass inherits from AbstractClass. The abstractMethod is overridden in ConcreteClass to provide a concrete implementation.

Do comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this JS class topic.

Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.

OS: Windows 10

Code: HTML 5 Version

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