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JavaScript Array flatMap() | Method

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Use JavaScript Array flatMap() Method to flatten up the nested array with a depth value of 1. The flatMap() method is a combination of flat() and map() methods.

  • callback – The function to initially execute on each array element. It takes in:
    • currentValue – The current element being passed from the array.
  • thisArg (optional) – Value to use as this when executing callback.

This method returns a new array formed by applying a given callback function to each element of the array and then flattening the result by one level.

JavaScript Array flatMap()

A simple example code flattened the array using the flat() method, then we have removed the negative numbers from the array using flatMap(). method.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    const numbers = [1, [3, 6,], [2, -3, 7, ], [-4,], 5, 8, 9];
    const result = numbers.flatMap(number => {
      return number < 0 ? [] : [number];


JavaScript Array flatMap Method

Using flat() and map() Instead of flatMap()

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// incrementing each element using map()
let afterMapping = => element + 2);

// flattening the array using flat()
let afterFlattening = afterMapping.flat();
console.log(afterFlattening); // [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]

// using flatMap() instead of flat() and map()
let after_flatMap = numbers.flatMap((element) => element + 2);

console.log(after_flatMap); // [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]

Do comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this JS array method topic.

Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.

OS: Windows 10

Code: HTML 5 Version

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