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JavaScript closure interview questions

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JavaScript closure interview questions typically revolve around understanding the concept of closures, their applications, and potential use cases. Here are some common closure-related interview questions you may encounter:

JavaScript closure interview questions answer

Here are some common interview questions related to JavaScript closures:

1. What is a closure in JavaScript?

A closure is a combination of a function and the lexical environment within which that function was declared. It allows a function to access variables from its outer scope even after the outer function has finished executing.

2. How do you create a closure in JavaScript?

Closures are created when an inner function references variables from its outer function. The inner function can be returned from the outer function or passed as an argument to other functions.

3. Explain the concept of a lexical scope in relation to closures.

Lexical scope refers to the scope determined by the physical placement of code in the source code file. A closure in JavaScript retains access to variables in its lexical scope, even if the outer function has finished executing and the variables are no longer in scope.

4. Why are closures useful in JavaScript?

Closures are useful in JavaScript for various reasons:

  • They enable data privacy and encapsulation, as variables in the outer function can only be accessed through the closure.
  • They allow the creation of functions with persistent state, as variables within the closure remain in memory.
  • They facilitate the implementation of modules and reusable code patterns.

5. How can you use closures to create private variables and methods?

Closures can be used to create private variables and methods by defining them within an outer function and returning an inner function that has access to these private variables and methods. The inner function can then be used to manipulate or access private data.

6. What are some potential pitfalls or memory leaks related to closures?

One common pitfall is accidentally creating circular references between closures and the variables they close over, which can prevent the garbage collector from freeing up memory. Another issue is not being mindful of memory usage when closures are created inside loops, potentially leading to excessive memory consumption.

7. Can you provide an example of a closure in JavaScript?

Certainly! Here’s an example:

function outer() {
  var message = 'Hello closure';

  function inner() {

  return inner;

var closure = outer();


JavaScript closure interview questions

In this example, the inner function is returned from the outer function and assigned to the closure variable. The closure function still has access to the message variable, even though the outer function has finished executing.

Here are more questions:-

  1. What is a closure in JavaScript, and how does it work?
  2. Explain the concept of lexical scoping and its relationship with closures.
  3. How can closures be used to create private variables and methods in JavaScript?
  4. Discuss a practical use case for closures in JavaScript.
  5. What are the benefits of using closures in JavaScript? Provide examples.
  6. Can you explain the difference between a function and a closure in JavaScript?
  7. What potential memory-related issues can arise when working with closures?
  8. How do you access variables from the outer function within a closure?
  9. Explain how closures can help with data encapsulation and maintain the integrity of private data.
  10. Provide an example of a closure that demonstrates its usefulness in a specific scenario.

Do comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this JS closure topic.

Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.

OS: Windows 10

Code: HTML 5 Version

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