How to convert given a nested dictionary into a flattened dictionary where the key is separated by ‘_’ in case of the nested key is to be started.
Suppose the given dictionary is:
{'a': 1,
'c': {'a': 2,
'b': {'x': 5,
'y' : 10}},
'd': [1, 2, 3]}
Flatten Dictionary should look like:-
{'a': 1,
'c_a': 2,
'c_b_x': 5,
'c_b_y': 10,
'd': [1, 2, 3]}
Example Flatten Dictionary Python
Simple example code. Basically, the same way you would flatten a nested list, just iterating the dict by key/value, creating new keys for a new dictionary, and creating the dictionary at the final step.
import collections
def flatten(d, parent_key='', sep='_'):
items = []
for k, v in d.items():
new_key = parent_key + sep + k if parent_key else k
if isinstance(v, collections.MutableMapping):
items.extend(flatten(v, new_key, sep=sep).items())
items.append((new_key, v))
return dict(items)
dict1 = {'a': 1,
'c': {'a': 2,
'b': {'x': 5,
'y': 10}},
'd': [1, 2, 3]}

Another Example
If using pandas, You can do it with json_normalize() like so:
import pandas as pd
d = {'a': 1,
'c': {'a': 2, 'b': {'x': 5, 'y' : 10}},
'd': [1, 2, 3]}
df = pd.json_normalize(d, sep='_')
Output: {‘a’: 1, ‘d’: [1, 2, 3], ‘c_a’: 2, ‘c_b_x’: 5, ‘c_b_y’: 10}
Do comment if you have any doubts and suggestions on this Python Dictionary topic.
Note: IDE: PyCharm 2021.3.3 (Community Edition)
Windows 10
Python 3.10.1
All Python Examples are in Python 3, so Maybe its different from python 2 or upgraded versions.