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How to assign null value in Python

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In Python, there is a special value called None that is used to represent null or absence of a value. You can use None to assign null to a variable or as a placeholder for a value that has not been assigned yet. Here’s how you can assign a null value in Python:

# Method 1: Direct assignment of None
variable_name = None

# Method 2: Assigning None to a variable using a function or condition
def return_none():
    return None

another_variable = return_none()

# Method 3: Assigning None conditionally
condition = False
some_value = None if condition else "not null value"

Note: None is not the same as an empty string ("") or a zero (0). It is a special constant that represents the absence of a value. Also, keep in mind that None is a singleton object, meaning there is only one instance of None in memory, so you can compare None using the is keyword:

variable_name = None

if variable_name is None:
    print("The variable is assigned to None.")
    print("The variable has some value.")

Output: The variable is assigned to None.

Assign null value in Python example

Here’s an example of assigning a None value to a variable in Python:

# Assigning None to a variable
name = None
age = None
is_student = None

# Printing the variables
print("Name:", name)
print("Age:", age)
print("Is Student:", is_student)


How to assign null value in Python

In this example, we have three variables name, age, and is_student, all of which are assigned the value None, indicating that they have no specific value assigned and are essentially null.

Note: IDE: PyCharm 2021.3.3 (Community Edition)

Windows 10

Python 3.10.1

All Python Examples are in Python 3, so Maybe its different from python 2 or upgraded versions.

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