Python count() function is used to count the frequency of the character or a substring in a string. This method returns the total count of a given element in a string.
string.count(substring/character, start=, end=)
You can specify the start and end index where you want the search to begin.
Python count() function
Simple example code.
s = 'Hello There'
res = s.count('e')
print('occurrence of e in string: ', res)

Using Count Method with a Substring.
s = 'abcdabcdabcdbcdefghqwert'
res = s.count('abcd')
print("Occurrence of 'abcd': ", res)
Output: Occurrence of ‘abcd’: 3
Using both Optional Parameters
s = 'Computer Science'
res = s.count('e', 3, 14)
print('Occurrence of e from 3rd to 14th index: ', res)
You can use the count()
function with other iterable types as well, such as strings or tuples:
# Count occurrences of a character in a string
text = "hello world"
count_of_l = text.count('l')
print("Count of 'l':", count_of_l)
In this example, count_of_l
will be equal to 3 because the character ‘l’ appears three times in the string “hello world”.
Note: the count()
method only counts exact matches of the specified element in the iterable. If you want to count elements based on a condition or a function, you may need to use other techniques like list comprehensions or the filter()
Do comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this Python essential function topic.
Note: IDE: PyCharm 2021.3.3 (Community Edition)
Windows 10
Python 3.10.1
All Python Examples are in Python 3, so Maybe its different from python 2 or upgraded versions.