While Boolean Python | Example code
Python While loop uses the Boolean value to executes the loop body while the expression evaluates to (boolean) “true”. You can use a variable as… Read More »While Boolean Python | Example code
Python While loop uses the Boolean value to executes the loop body while the expression evaluates to (boolean) “true”. You can use a variable as… Read More »While Boolean Python | Example code
Python string is called an empty string if the string doesn’t have any character, whitespace whatsoever. But if the string has multiple white spaces or… Read More »What is Python empty string | Example code
How do you check if something is True or False in Python? Answer: There 3 ways to check if true false in Python. Let’s see… Read More »Python if true false | Example code
Use “” to create an empty string in Python. There should be no char or whitespace in the string. Python creates an empty string Example… Read More »Python create empty string | Example code
Best to check string contains substring or not is using the in operator in Python. The in operator is generally used with if statement to… Read More »Python if statement string contains substring or word | Example code
Python “OR” operator will use in the if statement to test conditions and decide which execution path your programs will take. A if statement with… Read More »Python if statement or operator | Examples code
Example code use or operator to combine two basic conditional expressions in Python If-Else Statement. In the example taking input value from the user. Output:
Python elif Statement with OR Operator using combines two basic conditional expressions in a Boolean expression. Checking weekday and weekend string in if statement. Output:
Strings in Python are compared with == and != operators in if statement .If two Python strings are equivalent return True or not matched then… Read More »Python if statement string compare | Example code
Let’ see how to use AND operator to combine two basic conditional expressions in the boolean expression of the Python elif condition statement. Example elif… Read More »Python elif Statement with AND Operator | Example code