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Top 6 Difference Between Array and Collections in Java

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What is the Difference between Array and Collections (any collection class)? You have a question in your mind or somewhere in an interview, this question has asked.

Difference between Array and Collections

From a capability perspective, while both can store references to objects:

  • Arrays can store primitives. Collections can not store primitives (although they can store the primitive wrapper classes, such as Integer etc)
  • The array is fixed in size Collection are grow-able in nature.
  • Memory point of view array is not good, But the collection is better.

let’s see the top array and collection difference in java.

1. Arrays are fixed in size. 

1. Collections are growable in nature i.e based on requirement we can increase or decrease the size.


2. With respect to memory, arrays are not recommended to use.


2. With respect to memory, collections are recommended to use.

3. Arrays can hold only homogeneous data type elements.


3. Collections can hold both homogeneous and heterogeneous.

4. With respect to performance, arrays are recommended to use.


4. With respect to performance, collections are not recommended to use.

5. There is no underlying data structure for arrays and hence readymade method support is not available.


5. Every collection class is implemented based on some standard data structure hence readymade method support is available.

6. The array can hold both primitive and object types.


6. Collections can hold only object types, but not primitive types.

Arrays – Avoid using them unless you have to

Collections – Use them in preference to arrays

Difference between Array and Collections is a basic interview question for Java and Android developers.

Do comment if you have any doubt and suggestions.

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