In JavaScript, you can change the content of an HTML element using the innerHTML
property. Here’s an example of how to change the innerHTML
of an element with the id
of “myElement” to the string “Hello, world!”:
document.getElementById("myElement").innerHTML = "Hello, world!";
You can also use the innerHTML
property to append HTML content to an element.
document.getElementById("myElement").innerHTML += "<p>This is a new paragraph.</p>";
use the +=
operator to append the HTML paragraph tag.
Change innerHTML JavaScript example
Simple example code.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Change innerHTML example</title>
<h1 id="myHeader">Welcome to my page</h1>
<p id="myParagraph">This is some sample text.</p>
<button id="myButton" onclick="changeContent()">Click me</button>
function changeContent() {
let header = document.getElementById("myHeader");
let paragraph = document.getElementById("myParagraph");
// Change the innerHTML of the header element
header.innerHTML = "Hello, world!";
// Append a new paragraph
paragraph.innerHTML += "<br><br>This is some additional text.";

How to change innerHTML every few seconds?
Answer: To change the innerHTML
of an HTML element every few seconds using JavaScript, you can use the setInterval()
method to run a function that changes the content of the element at a specified interval.
Here’s an example of how to change the innerHTML
of an element with the id
of “myElement” to a different string every 3 seconds:
<p id="myElement">This is some sample text.</p>
function changeContent() {
let element = document.getElementById("myElement");
let content = element.innerHTML;
if (content === "This is some sample text.") {
element.innerHTML = "This is some different text.";
} else {
element.innerHTML = "This is some sample text.";
setInterval(changeContent, 3000);
Be cautious when using innerHTML as it can introduce security vulnerabilities if the added content is not properly sanitized. Using DOM manipulation methods (e.g. createElement, appendChild) is recommended instead as it provides better security and control.
Comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this JS HTML topic.
Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.
OS: Windows 10
Code: HTML 5 Version