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How to check if JavaScript string contains a character

To find a character in a String has to use a includes() method in the JavaScript program. Another way to a string contains a certain character using a regular expression.

They include() method finds the “contains” character in whole string, it will return a true.

Example 1: Find a “t” character in the string.

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<p id="EHS"></p> 
    var str = "EyeHunts JavaScript tutorial."; 
    var check = str.includes("t"); 
    document.getElementById("EHS").innerHTML = check; 

Output: true

Example 2: Find a “z” char in string.

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<p id="EHS"></p> 
    var str = "EyeHunts JavaScript tutorial."; 
    var check = str.includes("z"); 
    document.getElementById("EHS").innerHTML = check; 

Output: false

Note: The includes() method is case sensitive, so Uppercase and Lowercase characters different.

Q: How to Javascript check if the string contains only a certain character?

Answer: Return true if a given string has only a certain character and any number of occurrences of that character.

The below example will pop-up an alert box with the result.

// checking for 's'
'ssssss' -> true
'sss s'  -> false
'so'     -> false
<!DOCTYPE html>

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){
   document.getElementById('button').onclick = function(e){
      var a = document.getElementById("message").value;
                var result = new RegExp("^[s\s]+$").test(a);
       return false;


<div class="container">
    <form action="javascript:;" method="post" class="form-inline" id="form">
        <input type="text" id="message" class="input-medium" placeholder="Message" value="Hello, world!" />
        <button type="button" id="button" data-action="insert">Show</button>



Javascript check if the string contains only a certain character

Q: How to check if a string contains [a-zA-Z] characters only?

Answer: No jQuery Needed, You can use a regex:

if (str.match(/[a-z]/i)) {
    // alphabet letters found

The i makes the regex case-insensitive. You could also do.


Do comment if you knew any other ways or have any doubts about this tutorial.

Note: The Examples are tested on Safari browser (Version 12.0.2) and Chrome.
OS: macOS 10.14 Mojave
Code: HTML 5 Version

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