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JavaScript event listeners list

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The JavaScript event listeners list is a collection of various events that can be listened to and handled in JavaScript. Event listeners allow you to respond to user actions or specific occurrences in your web page or application.

By attaching event listeners to HTML elements, you can execute code or trigger functions when those events occur.

The syntax for adding event listeners in JavaScript is as follows:

element.addEventListener(event, listenerFunction);
  • element: The HTML element to which the event listener will be attached.
  • event: The name of the event that triggers the listener.
  • listenerFunction: The function that will be executed when the event occurs.
var button = document.getElementById('myButton');

function handleClick() {
  // Handle the click event
  console.log('Button clicked!');

button.addEventListener('click', handleClick);

Here’s the list of JavaScript event listeners in a tabular format:

clickFires when an element is clicked.
dblclickFires when an element is double-clicked.
mousedownFires when a mouse button is pressed down on an element.
mouseupFires when a mouse button is released on an element.
mousemoveFires when the mouse pointer moves over an element.
mouseoverFires when the mouse pointer moves onto an element.
mouseoutFires when the mouse pointer moves off an element.
mouseenterFires when the mouse pointer enters an element.
mouseleaveFires when the mouse pointer leaves an element.
keydownFires when a key is pressed down.
keyupFires when a key is released.
keypressFires when a key is pressed down and released.
focusFires when an element receives focus.
blurFires when an element loses focus.
changeFires when the value of an input element changes.
submitFires when a form is submitted.
inputFires when the value of an input element changes.
resizeFires when the browser window is resized.
scrollFires when an element’s scrollbar is scrolled.
loadFires when a web page or an image is finished loading.
unloadFires when a web page is about to be unloaded.

JavaScript event listeners list example

Simple example code that demonstrates how to use event listeners in JavaScript:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Event Listeners Example</title>
    // Function to handle the click event
    function handleClick() {
      alert("Button clicked!");

    // Function to handle the keydown event
    function handleKeydown(event) {
      console.log("Key pressed:", event.key);

    // Function to handle the submit event
    function handleSubmit(event) {
      event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submission
      console.log("Form submitted");

    // Attaching event listeners to elements
    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
      var button = document.getElementById('myButton');
      var form = document.getElementById('myForm');
      var input = document.getElementById('myInput');

      button.addEventListener('click', handleClick);
      input.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeydown);
      form.addEventListener('submit', handleSubmit);
  <button id="myButton">Click Me!</button>
  <form id="myForm">
    <input type="text" id="myInput" placeholder="Type something">
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>


JavaScript event listeners list

In this example, we have three event listeners set up:

  1. The handleClick function is attached to the click event of the button. When the button is clicked, an alert is displayed.
  2. The handleKeydown function is attached to the keydown event of the input field. When a key is pressed down in the input field, the key value is logged to the console.
  3. The handleSubmit function is attached to the submit event of the form. When the form is submitted (by clicking the submit button), the default form submission is prevented, and a message is logged to the console.

Comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this Js event listeners topic.

Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.

OS: Windows 10

Code: HTML 5 Version

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