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JavaScript Math operators

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JavaScript provides many built-in math operators that allow you to perform arithmetic operations on numeric values. Here are some of the most commonly used math operators in JavaScript:

  1. Addition (+): The addition operator is used to add two or more numeric values. For example, 2 + 3 will return 5.
  2. Subtraction (-): The subtraction operator is used to subtract one numeric value from another. For example, 5 - 2 will return 3.
  3. Multiplication (*): The multiplication operator is used to multiply two or more numeric values. For example, 2 * 3 will return 6.
  4. Division (/): The division operator is used to divide one numeric value by another. For example, 6 / 2 will return 3.
  5. Modulus (%): The modulus operator is used to return the remainder of a division operation. For example, 5 % 2 will return 1.
  6. Increment (++): The increment operator is used to increase a numeric value by 1. For example, let x = 2; x++; will set the value of x to 3.
  7. Decrement (--): The decrement operator is used to decrease a numeric value by 1. For example, let x = 3; x--; will set the value of x to 2.

JavaScript Math operators example

Simple example code with math operators to perform a basic calculation:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        let x = 10;
    let y = 5;

    let addition = x + y;
    console.log(`The result of x + y is: ${addition}`);

    let subtraction = x - y;
    console.log(`The result of x - y is: ${subtraction}`);

    let multiplication = x * y;
    console.log(`The result of x * y is: ${multiplication}`);

    let division = x / y;
    console.log(`The result of x / y is: ${division}`);

    let modulus = x % y;
    console.log(`The result of x % y is: ${modulus}`);

    let increment = ++x;
    console.log(`The result of ++x is: ${increment}`);

    let decrement = --y;
    console.log(`The result of --y is: ${decrement}`);



JavaScript Math operators

This table provides a clear and overview of each operator’s purpose, a brief example of how it’s used, and the result that is returned.

+Addition2 + 3 returns 5
-Subtraction5 - 2 returns 3
*Multiplication2 * 3 returns 6
/Division6 / 2 returns 3
%Modulus (remainder)5 % 2 returns 1
++Increment (add 1)let x = 2; x++; sets x to 3
--Decrement (subtract 1)let x = 3; x--; sets x to 2

Do comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this JS operator topic.

Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.

OS: Windows 10

Code: HTML 5 Version

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