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JavaScript RegEx group

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In JavaScript regular expressions (RegEx), a group is a way to create a subpattern within a larger pattern. Groups are denoted by enclosing the desired subpattern with parentheses ( and ).

Here are some commonly used syntaxes for creating groups:

1. Capturing Group: To create a capturing group, enclose the desired subpattern within parentheses.

const pattern = /(abc)/;

2. Non-Capturing Group: To create a non-capturing group, use (?:...). This allows you to group a subpattern without capturing it as a separate group in the result array.

const pattern = /(?:abc)/;

3. Named Capturing Group: You can assign a name to a capturing group by using (?<name>...) syntax. This allows you to access the captured value by its name in addition to the numeric index.

const pattern = /(?<word>\w+)/;

4. Positive Lookahead Group: A positive lookahead group is denoted by (?=...). It matches a subpattern only if it is followed by another pattern.

const pattern = /abc(?=def)/;

5. Negative Lookahead Group: A negative lookahead group is denoted by (?!...). It matches a subpattern only if it is not followed by another pattern.

const pattern = /abc(?!def)/;

Groups are useful for capturing specific parts of a string or applying quantifiers to subpatterns.

JavaScript RegEx group example

Simple example code.

const text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.';

// Pattern with two groups to capture the words "quick" and "fox"
const pattern = /The (quick) brown (fox) jumps over the lazy dog./;

// Executing the pattern with the test string
const result = pattern.exec(text);

// Accessing the captured groups
const adjective = result[1];
const animal = result[2];



JavaScript RegEx group

How do you access the matched groups in a JavaScript regular expression?

Answer: In JavaScript, when you execute a regular expression pattern using methods like exec() or match(), the matched groups can be accessed using the resulting match object or array. Here’s how you can access the matched groups:

The exec() method returns an array where the first element (result[0]) is the entire matched string, and subsequent elements correspond to the captured groups. To access the captured groups, you can use numeric indices or named capture groups (if specified).

const text = 'Hello, my name is John Doe.';
const pattern = /Hello, my name is ([A-Za-z\s]+)/;
const result = pattern.exec(text);

const name = result[1]; // Access the captured group using index 1
console.log(name); // Output: John Doe

The match() method returns an array of all matches, including captured groups. If the regular expression has the global flag (/g), it returns an array of multiple matches. Each element in the resulting array corresponds to a match, and the captured groups can be accessed using numeric indices.

const text = 'Hello, my name is John Doe.';
const pattern = /Hello, my name is ([A-Za-z\s]+)/g;
const result = text.match(pattern);

const name = result[0][1]; // Access the captured group using index 1
console.log(name); // Output: John Doe

Comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this Js RegEx topic.

Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.

OS: Windows 10

Code: HTML 5 Version

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