The javaScript string search() method searches for a specific string or regular expression. This method accepts a regular expression and returns the index of the first match in a string.
If the search()
doesn’t find any match, it returns -1.
JavaScript string search
Simple example code.
<!DOCTYPE html>
let text = "Mr. Right has a right side house";
let position ="Right");
//Search case insensitive:
let res =;
console.log("First mathc index",res)

Use RegEx to get the first occurrence of any capital letter:
let re = /[A-Z]/;
let str = 'hi There! How are you?';
let index =;
const p= 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. If the dog barked, was it really lazy?';
// Any character that is not a word character or whitespace
const regex = /[^\w\s]/g;
console.log(; // 43
console.log(p[]);// "."
Search expression
It is either a string value or a RegExp object that will be searched for in the string. As a RegExp object, it can be a combination of the following:
Value | Description |
^ | Matches the beginning of a string. If used with a match_parameter of ‘m’, it matches the start of a line anywhere within the expression. |
$ | Matches the end of a string. If used with a match_parameter of ‘m’, it matches the end of a line anywhere within the expression. |
* | Used to specify a non-matching list where you are trying to match any character except for the ones in the list. |
+ | Matches one or more occurrences. |
? | Matches zero or one occurrence. |
. | Matches any character except NULL. |
| | Used like an “OR” to specify more than one alternative. |
[ ] | Used to specify a matching list where you are trying to match any one of the characters in the list. |
[^ ] | Used to specify a nonmatching list where you are trying to match any character except for the ones in the list. |
( ) | Used to group expressions as a subexpression. |
\b | Matches a word boundary |
\B | Matches a non-word boundary |
{m} | Matches m times. |
{m,} | Matches at least m times. |
{m,n} | Matches at least m times, but no more than n times. |
\n | n is a number between 1 and 9. Matches the nth subexpression found within ( ) before encountering \n. |
[..] | Matches one collation element that can be more than one character. |
[::] | Matches character classes. |
[==] | Matches equivalence classes. |
\d | Matches a digit character. |
\D | Matches a non-digit character. |
\w | Matches a word character. |
\W | Matches a nonword character. |
\s | Matches a whitespace character. |
\S | matches a non-whitespace character. |
\t | matches a horizontal tab character. |
\v | matches a vertical tab character. |
\r | matches a carriage return character. |
\f | matches a form feed character. |
\n | matches a line feed character. |
[\b] | matches a backspace character. |
\0 | matches a NUL character. |
*? | Matches the preceding pattern with zero or more occurrences. |
+? | Matches the preceding pattern of one or more occurrences. |
?? | Matches the preceding pattern zero or one occurrence. |
{n}? | Matches the preceding pattern n times. |
{n,}? | Matches the preceding pattern at least n times. |
{n,m}? | Matches the preceding pattern at least n times, but not more than m times. |
Do comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this JS string method.
Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.
OS: Windows 10
Code: HTML 5 Version