You have a 3-gallon jug and a 5-gallon jug. How can you measure exactly 4 gallons of water?
Here are more details: You have two empty jugs – a 3-gallon jug and a 5-gallon jug. You also have access to a water source. Your goal is to fill one of the jugs with exactly 4 gallons of water.

The catch is that the jugs are not marked with any measurements, and you cannot eyeball the water level. The only tools you have at your disposal are the two jugs and your creativity.
The 3-Gallon Jug and 5-Gallon Jug Puzzle Solution
Here’s one solution:
- Fill the 3-gallon jug with water from the water source.
- Pour the water from the 3-gallon jug into the 5-gallon jug.
- Refill the 3-gallon jug with water from the water source.
- Pour the water from the 3-gallon jug into the 5-gallon jug until the 5-gallon jug is full (which will leave 1 gallon of water in the 3-gallon jug).
- Dump the water from the 5-gallon jug.
- Pour the 1 gallon of water from the 3-gallon jug into the 5-gallon jug.
- Fill the 3-gallon jug with water from the water source.
- Pour the water from the 3-gallon jug into the 5-gallon jug until the 5-gallon jug is full, which will leave exactly 4 gallons of water in the 5-gallon jug.
The 3-Gallon Jug and 5-Gallon Jug Puzzle is a classic logic puzzle that challenges you to fill one of two jugs with exactly 4 gallons of water, using only the two jugs and a water source. This puzzle requires creative thinking and problem-solving skills to find a solution, and there are different strategies you can use to solve it.