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Example onkeydown event in JavaScript | Code

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The onkeydown event is fired when user pressed a key (on the keyboard). You can Execute a JavaScript using onkeydown property.


<element onkeydown="myScript">


object.onkeydown = function(){myScript};

Code onkeydown event in JavaScript

HTML example code.

Get keypress value Use onkeydown property

Popup alert box with key value, when user press any value in input filed.

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <input onkeypress="alert(event.key)"/>


onkeydown event used object

<!DOCTYPE html>


  <input type="text" id="txtbox">


    var input = document.getElementById('txtbox');

    input.keypress = function() {
      const key = event.key;


onkeydown addEventListener()

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <input type="text" id="txtbox">


    var input = document.getElementById('txtbox');
    input.addEventListener('keypress', function(event) {
      const key = event.key;



Do comment if you have any doubts and suggestions on this JS event code.

Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.

OS: Windows 10

Code: HTML 5 Version

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