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Get form data on submit JavaScript

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Use the JavaScript onsubmit() event in the form tag to Get form data on submit. Inputs can include a name the attribute which eases their access:

  function submitForm(event) {
    return false;
<form onsubmit="submitForm(event)">
  <input name="searchTerm"/>

Even better,

function submitForm(that) {
  return false;
<form onsubmit="submitForm(this)">
  <input name="searchTerm"/>

In the handler itself, you can even access values directly:

<form onsubmit="alert(searchTerm); false">
  <input name="searchTerm"/>

If you register the event handler via JS, the this (in non-lambda functions) already points to the form element, so you can also do

document.querySelector('#myForm').addEventListener('submit', function() {
<form id="myForm">
  <input name="searchTerm"/>


Get form data on submitting JavaScript

Simple example code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <form onsubmit="submitForm(event)">
    <input name="searchTerm"/>

    function submitForm(event) {
      return false;


Get form data on submit JavaScript

If you want to get a key/value mapping (plain) object out of an HTML form, see this answer.

Do comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this JS submit topic.

Note: The All JS Examples codes are tested on the Firefox browser and the Chrome browser.

OS: Windows 10

Code: HTML 5 Version

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