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Python Counter string

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Python counter can be used to calculate the frequency in a string because the string is passed as input. it returns the output as a dictionary having keys that are the unique elements of the list and values are the corresponding frequencies of the elements.

Python Counter string

Simple example code.

from collections import Counter

s = 'ABCAB'
d = Counter(s)

# print Counter value

# access the values corresponds to each keys of the returned dictionary

# get the keys and values both of dictionary

# get only the keys

# sort the values of dictionary


Python Counter string

Update Counter collection in Python with string, not letter

You can update it with a dictionary since adding another string is the same as updating the key with the count.

from collections import Counter

c = Counter(['black', 'blue'])

c.update({"red": 1})

Output: Counter({‘black’: 1, ‘blue’: 1, ‘red’: 1})

If the key already exists, the count will increase by one:

c.update({"red": 1})

# Counter({'black': 1, 'blue': 1, 'red': 2})

Let’s put this into a complete example where we count the frequency of each character in a given string.

from collections import Counter

# Input string
my_string = "hello world"

# Create a Counter object
counter = Counter(my_string)

# Display the counts
for char, count in counter.items():
    print(f"Character: {char}, Count: {count}")
from collections import Counter

# Input string
my_string = "hello world"

# Create a Counter object
counter = Counter(my_string)

# Display the counts
print("Character counts:")
for char, count in counter.items():
    print(f"Character: {char}, Count: {count}")

# Most common elements
most_common_chars = counter.most_common(2)
print("\nMost common characters:")

# Update the counter with another string
print("\nUpdated counts after adding 'hello':")

# Subtract counts of another string
print("\nCounts after subtracting 'world':")

This example demonstrates how to count characters in a string, find the most common characters, update the counts, and subtract counts using Python’s collections.Counter.

Do comment if you have any doubts or suggestions on this Python counter topic.

Note: IDE: PyCharm 2021.3.3 (Community Edition)

Windows 10

Python 3.10.1

All Python Examples are in Python 3, so Maybe its different from python 2 or upgraded versions.

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